When any device has been around for more than one hundred years, it’s bound to acquire a bit of mythology on its way. Air conditioners are no exception to this rule. What you thought was straightforward and foolproof about AC’s may likely be a myth. We’ve debunked the top 4 old wives’ tales surrounding the home appliance you thought you knew inside and out.
·The lower you set your thermostat, the faster your house will cool. Your unit is designed to run until it reaches its set temperature the rate of cooling is in no way affected by the difference between the current temperature and how low you set your thermostat.
·Duct tape is good for sealing ducts. In reality, duct tape doesn’t stay very sticky for very long. If you need to seal your ducts, we recommend using metal foil tape or air-duct mastic.
·You shouldn’t adjust your thermostat when you leave home. Many people think that their thermostat temperature will reduce energy costs by limiting the amount of “catch up” your unit has to when you return. However, this is (for the most part) a myth. If you live in a particularly hot climate, may be the exception to the rule. Otherwise, if you normally keep your home at 75 degrees, adjust your thermostat to 82-85 to save energy, and program it to drop to 75 thirty minutes before you return home. This way, you save energy without ever feeling the shift.
·Closing vents can save you money. It’s common to assume that closing vents will prevent airflow thereby reduce your bill, this is not the case. If your AC is on, it will blow the same amount of air regardless of the number of open vents in your home. In fact, keeping too many vents closed can cause pressure to build, resulting in eventual burnout.
Don’t let the old myths about your AC keep you from embracing and adjusting to the reality of your unit. Heating and cooling technology are dynamic, which is why we publish a weekly blog to keep you in the loop! For any other questions, you may have, feel free to contact Just Right Services.